
In a corner store stuffed with inviting goodies on the outskirt of Lyon, Seve makes the choice bribe for adults. Like GE of yore, Seve brings good bonbons to life. These bonbons are well made and fun to eat - at once sophisticated yet made to be consumed with no intellectualization required. In other words, and we should all be so lucky, you can pop those bonbons all day long and still enjoy the every last piece.
Tasting Notes
Seve’s overall score is 3.63 with individual dimensions as texture - 4.13, aroma - 3.88 balance - 3.75, and intensity - 3.50.
Praline boasts of clearly articulated texture where aroma is emphasized and released with each bite. Sweetness in the couverture is offset by a lingering tannic note with a most enjoyable balance.
Ganache is balanced with clear articulation on all components where texture is clear in couverture and filling, aromatic and intensity work in conjunction to pack a lingering punch, and tannic aftertaste provides a well rounded end. Finally, hints of acidity makes it refreshing instead of being overwhelming.

62, Avenue Lanessan
69410 Champagne au Mont d'Or
T: 04 78 35 04 21
F: 04 78 66 15 78
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